How Much is the Cost of Invisalign in Chico and Oroville, California?

At Barton Orthodontics, we understand that the biggest concern of prospective orthodontic patients is the treatment cost. If you are also wondering about the cost of treatment with Invisalign aligners, you’re not alone.

The best part of seeing a doctor at Barton Orthodontics is that you can choose a payment plan that works in your budget.

The average cost for Invisalign in Chico and Oroville ranges from $150-$250 per month depending upon the type of treatment you need. The best part of coming to see Dr Barton is that the visit is completely free and you leave with a treatment plan and fee for your exact needs.

We offer you the option of paying in full for treatment with a discount or paying monthly until your treatment fee is finished. Whichever you choose, you can rest assured that you will have the top-notch treatment you deserve in one of Chico’s and Oroville’s top Invisalign practices.